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Please follow our school Twitter account - @GabrielsPrimary or click the icon below!
St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School

Resources & Links

Year 5 Useful information and reminders

Monday is our PE day. We ask that children arrive at school in their PE kit ensuring it is appropriate for the current weather as they will be going out at break times.

PE kit should be: dark shorts or jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and either pumps or trainers. They should wear their cardigan or school jumper as part of their kit rather than a hoodie. Please ensure all jewellery is removed including earrings. If earrings can’t be removed, please place a plaster over each earring to ensure your child’s safety when engaging in P.E lessons.       

Home learning is usually given via TEAMS on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Monday. Children should always be practising the Yr. 5/6 spellings, their times-tables and division facts via TTrockstars, the Yr. 5 prayers to be known, and reading daily as part of their home learning.

Uniform: Please ensure all uniform, especially jumpers/cardigans, are labelled with your child’s name and class.

Useful websites

School 365 login

English terminology and advice:


Purple Mash: