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DT in action - Year 1

Disgusting Sandwich – Instruction Writing

 We read the book, The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards and we used this text to explore instruction writing. The children had to design their own sandwich. They then wrote their own set of instructions to make their own sandwich. The children made their own sandwich and then completed an evaluation. The children were taught food hygiene skills and how to use equipment safely, as well as following their set of instructions correctly.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers - Zoo Enclosure

 As a apart of our Paws, Claws and Whisker topic the children explored different zoo enclosures and what enclosure would be suitable for different types of zoo animals. The children worked in small groups to design their own enclosure for a specific animal and then worked together to make their enclosures. The children were taught skills on how they can combine and fix materials together before making their enclosure. To evaluate their products the groups came together to discuss where appropriate would they place their enclosure within a zoo and why. Here are some examples of their topic work. Can you guess what animals would live in these enclosures?

William Morris – textiles

 The children have learnt about the famous artist and designer William Morris. They looked at a lot of his paintings and designs, exploring similarities and differences between them and looking for common themes. The children used William Morris theme to create their own blanket and they were taught how to sew using a simple running stitch.

Take a look at their blanket!

Moon Zoom

During the first half term, in our Art/DT lessons the children made their own space crafts. The children selected from a range of materials to decorate their rockets and used equipment safely and effectively.

The children bought in a selection of space related toys from home and in groups the children explored these toys and evaluated them, pointing out what were good aspects of the toys and what could be improved. See some examples of their evaluations below.