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School Contacts

Mr J P Hayes


Deputy Headteacher
Mr W Bright

Deputy Headteacher, English & Assessment Co-ordinator , Religious Education Co-ordinator

Please speak to Mrs Deegan or Mrs Brindley in the school office if you have a query

School: 01827 213910

Mrs H Deegan

Administrative Officer

Mrs N Brindley

Clerical Assistant/Finance

To contact our SEN Co-ordinators, Miss Amy Cunningham & Miss Kelly Gamon please phone the school office on: 01827 213910.
Miss A Cunningham

Year 6 Teacher, English Co-ordinator, Reading for Pleasure Lead, SENCO

Miss K Gamon

Year 1 Teacher, SENCO, EAL Co-ordinator

To contact our Chair of Governors or The Governing Body please use the following email addresses. 
Pre-School: 01827 250903
Mrs T Miller

Pre-School Manager