Identifying and assessing pupils with SEND
Our aim is to identify SEND as early as possible so the necessary provision can be made for the individual pupil with maximum impact. Children with special educational needs and disabilities are identified in several ways. These include:
Pre-school records:
Some children will have already been identified as needing extra help in their nursery setting. In these cases, transition meetings will take place between the nursery, parents and St Gabriel’s to ensure the child’s needs are met.
Parental concern:
If, as a parent, you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s development, you can contact the child’s teacher or the SENDCO to arrange a meeting to discuss these concerns.
Teacher assessments and professional judgements:
Teachers continually assess and monitor the children’s progress. If they have any concerns about a child’s development they must share these concerns with the parents. A meeting will take place to plan provision for the child.
All children at St Gabriel’s school will receive quality, differentiated learning opportunities which will ensure all learning needs are met. Teachers use differentiation during each lesson to match the levels of individual pupils. They may have extra adults in class to support them. All classrooms have visual timetables displayed to help with transition between lessons. Teachers know how to adapt and adjust their lessons to meet the needs of these learners. Support passports and plans are used to highlight specific needs and learning styles so teachers can make the necessary adjustments.
Area |
Strategies |
Supportive curriculum |
Visual timetables, pre-teaching of strategies concepts and vocab, use of ICT.
English |
Differentiated curriculum, Nessy, Precision Teaching, Better Reading, Inference reading, Talking Partners, Paired reading.
Maths |
Differentiated curriculum, visual and practical resources.
Speech, Language & Communication
Talking Partners, Language Development programs set by SALT, visual aids.
SEND Target Groups in Fit4School programmes. Further differentiation of physical activities (fine and gross motor).
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Playground Leaders, Reward Systems, Family Support sessions.