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St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School

Pastoral and Transition Support

Pastoral Support

At St. Gabriel’s, we acknowledge that all individuals are unique and created in the image and likeness of God. We educate our pupils in a Catholic atmosphere which permeates all areas of the curriculum, so that the Gospel message is seen in everyday life.

With the example of Jesus being central to everything we do, we aim to develop a real Christian awareness of the wider community and society. We promote high standards of learning, behaviour and Christian care, helping all children to be the best that they can be.

As a voluntary aided Catholic school, we aim to nurture each child's relationship with God through prayer and liturgy. We have regular assemblies, masses and collective worship and all children have opportunities to lead and participate in prayers, readings and singing whatever their religion. Parents are most welcome to share in these celebrations.

All our staff are confident and skilled in supporting our children pastorally. Staff are supported with regular CPD in this area – including retreat days, staff meetings and sharing of appropriate resources. There are well established practises and procedures within school to help identify children who may need extra pastoral support.

As a school we are very aware that, often, SEND pupils need – and will benefit from – additional pastoral support. We recognise and understand that the pastoral needs of each SEND pupil will often be specific to each child – we tailor the support they need to each child and their individual needs.  We ensure that the pastoral needs of SEND pupils are discussed at each Learning Review, Support Plan Review etc.


Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support

If a child, with SEND, has been identified as having Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (please see page three) additional support can also be offered. In the first instance this support can be provided / co-ordinated by the class teacher and, if appropriate, identified on the child’s Support Plan. If a child is identified as having more significant SEMH needs individualised support can be provided / accessed through the SENDCO and / or Mrs Sarah McKay (Welfare Officer). This support is personalised to each child, but can include programmes such as H.O.P.E  (Help Our Child Emotionally) Project. Where necessary, school can make referrals to outside agencies such as CAMHS (Child and Adult Mental Health Services).


Transition support

At St Gabriel’s we understand that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and we work to make it as ensure it is as easy as possible. 


When moving into Reception:

When children join from our St Gabriel’s preschool they will be involved in a number of transition activities throughout the year. If a child is joining from another nursery they will receive a home visit/nursery visit from our Reception staff. 


When moving into a new year group:

Your child will have a number of ‘meet the teacher’ session during the summer term.  When necessary they will fill in a transition book, where they will be able to ask questions about their new classroom, new teacher and new year group.  All information will be passed onto the new class teacher in advance during a transition meeting.   New class teachers will be part of the review meeting at the end of the summer term, where the support plans will be reviewed and discussed ready for a new school year. Learning passports will be reviewed and amended. 


When moving to a new school:

We will contact the new school to ensure they know about any special arrangements/support that needs to be made for your child along with ensuring all relevant records are passed on as soon as possible. 


When moving to secondary school:

During the Summer Term, the SENDCO and Y6 teachers will meet SENDCOs from the different Secondary Schools that our children will be attending in September. These meetings ensure that the Secondary School SENDCO departments have a clear understanding of the needs of the children who will be joining them. A number of the Secondary Schools also run additional ‘transfer / nuture’ days for children on the SEND Register which we support.