This document summarises the collaborative partnership between:
- St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School, Tamworth
- St Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School, Tamworth
- St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Lichfield
- SS Peter’s and Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Lichfield
It sets out our aspirations for joint working and mutual support in the interests of the education and life experiences of each of our school communities.
Our partnership stands as a witness to the life of Christ in our schools through our shared Gospel values and a commitment to the common good. Our aims and aspirations are to:
- Grow together, bringing clear benefits for the children and staff of all our member schools.
- Work together to improve the teaching and learning in our schools and to offer mutual support to partnership schools that seek it or need it.
- Develop staff expertise together by sharing leading practice and innovative ways of working.
- Act together to raise the aspirations of children, staff, parents and governors
- Secure together the collective strategic leadership of Catholic primary education in South East Staffordshire.
At the same time, we maintain and develop the individual characters, ethos and distinctiveness of each of our schools to enhance the collective experience for all the children in our schools.
In developing good collaborative practice, we observe the following guiding principles:
- Where we identify that the quality of teaching and learning can be enhanced through collaboration, we act decisively and collectively.
- Key decisions within the scope of the partnership are made collectively – collective assent is required to take a work programme forward.
- The partnership operates in an environment of trust and mutual self-interest.
- Our work programme centres on raising achievement; and developing high quality teaching and learning is our key priority.
- Partner schools maintain wider cluster and cooperative work with other local schools, but over time, we anticipate a greater amount of aligned working through the Lichfield and Tamworth Catholic Primary Partnership.
- Our schools retain their identity and character and each school retains its operational and strategic leadership but sets these in the context of our partnership aims and aspirations.
The partnership operates through three layers of governance:
1. Strategic direction is the joint responsibility of the Chairs of the Governing Bodies and the headteachers.
2. Operational responsibility is for the headteachers, working with their senior leaders.
3. Oversight and scrutiny is by means of the governing bodies of each school.
Lichfield and Tamworth Catholic Primary Schools Partnership