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Please follow our school Twitter account - @GabrielsPrimary or click the icon below!
St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School

Year 4 - Welcome

Year 4 - Welcome

Our curriculum map provides you with an overview of the topics and subjects we cover throughout the year.

Our topics are:-

I am Warrior


Burps, Bottoms and Bile


Blue Abyss

Traders and Raiders

Music is taught every week in a separate lesson.

We are learning to speak Spanish with the help of an online resource called Language Angels.

In RE this half term, we are learning about the world that that God created for us, beginning with the Season of Creation.

Our termly timetable shows you when we teach specific subjects. On occasion the timetable is altered to include assemblies and masses that take place throughout the year. Sometimes we spend an entire day on a particular subject such as Design and Technology and Art.


We have our PE lessons on Tuesday afternoon so please remember to wear your PE kit to school. Earrings need to be removed or covered with a plaster.



Homework is set on a Wednesday via Microsoft TEAMs and is to be handed in via Microsoft TEAMs the following Monday morning.

We aim to be paper free but if it is easier for you to record your homework on paper and return it to school, please do so.

Weekly spellings are also sent to you via Microsoft TEAMs on a Wednesday and are usually tested the following Tuesday morning.

You can also access the Year 3 /4 statutory spellings here.  Please see our Homework Letter.


Reading is such a vital part of learning. We suggest that you read regularly with and to your child. We love reading children’s reviews of their favourite and most recent read books! Reading books are also handed back into school on a Monday.


Multiplication Check

Year 4 is an important year for learning times tables. In the summer term, most of the children will take part in a Multiplication Check which is a national test. They are required to recall their times tables at speed in test conditions. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables daily to ensure they are ready for the Multiplication Check. Many children take their ‘’22 club sheets’ home for additional practice. We use the “22 club” to allow the children to practise their times tables progressing from the 2 times tables to mixed challenge questions. They are all timed and the children can progress at their own pace. They have also been given logins to TTRockstars and Purple Mash which are excellent online resources for practising their times tables.


Below is a list of useful websites to support your child’s learning:



Hit the Button – quick fire maths practice on a range of topics


Natural Curriculum – fantastic grammar activities whilst learning about the natural world