The role of the Governing Board;
- set the vision and strategic direction of school
- hold the headteacher to account for its educational performance
- ensure financial resources are well spent.
In addition, Governors do the following;
- Help to shape the vision and direction of the school
- Have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school.
- Support and challenge the Senior Leadership team.
- Hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and thequality of education it provides.
- Ensure that the school fulfill its statutory duties and the duties determined by diocese.
- Monitor, review and develop plans and policies for effective school improvement.
- Look at ways to improve and enhance the skills of the Governor Body by identifying areas to improve and accessing the required training.
How does it work?
To fulfil all of our roles and responsibilities, the Governing Body delegates the work to groups of Governors. The whole Governing Body meets five times a year to discuss what is happening at school and plan strategically for the future. In order to ensure all the tasks get the time and attention they deserve, the Governing Body has set up a number of committees. These committees share the work to cover the responsibilities and help develop a good understanding of the school, support its work and hold it accountable.
At St. Gabriel's we have three main committees which meet termly or half termly. They are Finance and Buildings, Standards and Curriculum and Health, Safety and Well-Being.
There are also a number of smaller committees and working parties responsible for single issues such as Admissions,Discipline, Appeals, Performance Management and Staffing
In addition to serving on one or more committees, Governors are also linked to a particular subject area within the curriculum and visit school to help ensure this subject is being delivered and developed within the school.