Please follow our school Twitter account - @GabrielsPrimary or click the icon below!
Please follow our school Twitter account - @GabrielsPrimary or click the icon below!
St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Mr William Bright

Mr William Bright


Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:
Mrs Anna Moloney

Mrs Anna Moloney

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Sarah McKay

Mrs Sarah McKay

Attendance & Welfare Officer

Mrs Jo Coakley

Mrs Jo Coakley

Reception Teacher, EYFS Leader

Mrs Nikki Hughes

Mrs Nikki Hughes

Class Teacher, Designated Teacher for LAC

Designated Governor for Safeguarding:
Mrs Theresa Miller

Mrs Theresa Miller

Co-Chair of Governors

Mr Rob Vernon

Mr Rob Vernon

Co-Chair of Governors

All can be contacted on: 01827 213910.