The minimum staffing ratios in Pre-school are:
Children aged 2 year | 1 adult to 5 children |
Children aged 3 – 7 years | 1 adult to 8 children |
Regular supply staff are considered. Pre-school also has supporting staff e.g., teachers, students, and trainee nursery nurses, to enable permanent staff to work on a one-to-one basis with the children.
Coming into Pre-school
Starting Pre-school can be very traumatic for parents and for the child especially if it is the first time that they have been separated, and we at Pre-school are aware of that. We help the child and parent/carer to settle in. Therefore, at St. Gabriel’s: -
- We will give the parent/carer an entry profile and registration forms to complete, in the strictest confidence, so that we are aware of any problems and can prevent any anxiety.
- On the child’s first day, because we stagger entrance over a couple of weeks, there will be someone available to talk to, encourage and support the parent/carer and child. Sometimes parents/carers do not wish to stay and sometimes they do, but usually by the end of prayer time all parents have gone. We will reassure parents that if there are any problems, we will telephone them.
- On arrival children are welcomed into the setting for breakfast and morning welcome before accessing the many activities available to them; these include: themed adult led activities and child-initiated activities in the home corner, book corner, construction, mark making, puzzles, small world and floor play.
- Your child will be encouraged to look for their name (or photo) in our self-registration system to develop early reading skills.
- To help your children feel secure they can bring a comfort toy, initially to help them settle. After the settling in period, we ask that children do not bring toys or special items as children become very upset if it gets lost or other children claim it as their own.
Children will be encouraged to go to the toilet independently while under supervision. They will be taught how to ask politely and to wash their hands in an appropriate manner. The staff are always on the lookout for signs that a child needs the toilet but does not like to ask.
If your child is still wearing nappies/pull-ups we will work together to help in potty training. Please supply nappies/pull ups, wipes and nappy sacks. It is more comforting for the child if they can go to the toilet on their own.
Snack Time
Milk or water will be provided for all children. If your child has special dietary needs, we may ask you to provide their drink and snack. Healthy snacks will be offered daily. Different snacks will also be provided connected to themes that we are working on. We celebrate birthdays and special occasions but ask that parents do not send sweets into Pre-school as we are promoting the “good oral health of children” which is a new addition to the welfare requirements of the EYFS 2021.
Fresh drinking water is available to children always.
To comply with GDPR we need to request your consent and explain what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal data and the procedures we have in place to protect it.
When we refer to “we”, “us”, or “our”, we mean St. Gabriel’s Pre-school Staff and Voluntary Management Group.
Record Keeping
Parents are required to complete registration forms and an entry profile when their child joins the Pre-school. If these details change, it is vital you let us know, especially changes in:
- Addresses,
- Emergency contacts,
- Parental responsibility,
- Mobile phone numbers,
- People authorised to collect your child(ren).
Any information that you have given us is confidential. We will only share it with people directly involved in your child’s care.
We keep individual records of all children to record the progress that they are making and to ensure that they are all working at their own level. We will share this information on a regular basis with parents. The development and cultural needs of children will be identified through the continuous cycle of observation; their key person may be interested to know more about the children’s learning styles and capabilities.
Parent Consultations
Parents are regularly given verbal reports. Staff are available at the beginning and the end of the session. Opportunities for a lengthier discussion will be given at parent consultations. These are within the academic year to discuss your child’s progress. Please try to attend. Pre-school newsletters will contain dates of these days. Parents information will be displayed weekly on our notice board to let you know what your child(ren) will be learning and how you can support at home.
We would like you to feel that you can discuss any aspect of your child’s education and well-being. As the child’s parent or carer, we value your views.
Parent Volunteers
Parents are always welcome at St. Gabriel’s Pre-school and are invited to join our Friends of St. Gabriel’s Group. We may also need help with trips and parties that we have throughout the year; an extra pair of hands is always welcome.