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St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School

St Gabriel’s approach to supporting children with SEND:

Our school’s approach to supporting pupils with SEND

Step 1Quality First Teaching

The teacher should always display high expectations of all children within a caring and motivating classroom.  Children’s differing needs and prior knowledge should be used to plan quality, differentiated lessons. A range of teaching techniques and approaches should be adopted ensuring all children are engaged and actively involved in their learning. Lessons should be adaptable and allow for opportunities for the children to revisit, revise and consolidate their learning. Children will also be encouraged to reflect on their learning and targets at regular opportunities. 

Step 2Group Support

The sessions are planned with specific targets in mind and will aim to help your child make more progress for an identified period of time. They are delivered by a teacher or teaching assistant who has had, where necessary, relevant training. These sessions may happen within the classroom or in smaller teaching areas within the school. Interventions are timetabled to minimise disruption during core subjects such as English, Maths and RE. Parents will be kept informed of their child’s progress and next steps identified.  

Interventions currently available: 

  •          Precision Teaching
  •          Success @ arithmetic
  •          Educational Psychologist Approach to Literacy
  •          Little Wandle Catch-Up
  •          Therapy through play
  •          Emotional Coaching
  •          H.O.P.E  (Help Our Child Emotionally)
  •          Relax Kids

Step 3
Individual support Plan

At this point, you will be invited in to discuss your child’s progress and next steps to support them further. You may be asked to give permission for a referral to be made to an outside agency (e.g. Speech and Language, Education psychologists).

A tailored support plan will be written by your child’s class teacher. St Gabriel’s will always encourage you and your child to be part of this process. The support plan will have a number of targets to enhance your child’s learning experience at both school and home. These plans will outline the extra support/provision that your child requires.

Step 4: AEN (Additional Educational Needs) Funding / EHCPs (Educational Health Care Plans)

The majority of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities will have their needs met within local mainstream early years’ settings, schools or colleges.

Some children and young people may require an education, health and care needs assessment in order for the local authority to decide whether it is necessary for it to provide extra provision.

Further information about EHCPs can be found at: