We discuss, monitor and review our Online Safety policy on a regular basis, linking it with other relevant policies such as Safeguarding, Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies. We support staff in the use of ICT as an essential tool for enhancing learning and in the embedding of e-safety across the whole school curriculum.
We ensure that pupils are aware of the potential e-safety risks associated with the use of ICT and mobile technologies, and that pupils feel able and safe to report incidents.
Useful Websites
Everything we do is designed to help keep children safe online. We do that by giving parents what they need to have great conversations with their children to:
- Encourage them to behave safely online
- Help them identify potential risks
- Help limit the risks they may face online
- Know what to do and where to go if they need help.
Games can sometimes be a tricky thing to get your head around, especially if you don't play them yourself. But the benefits are huge. Games can help young children to read; encourage teamwork and co-operation amongst the whole family; and teach valuable problem solving skills.
Not to mention the fact they can be a great deal of fun, too. If you know which games are right for your family.
Children will always want to own gadgets and tech products, and as they get older may ask for their own mobile phone or tablet. When buying devices for your child, it can be difficult to know what to look out for from an online safety perspective and what’s age appropriate.
About our guide
Helps you choose:
Most categories contain individual product reviews. There are so many to choose from that we’ve been selective in our reviews to cover those devices that are most popular with children, or that we think are most appropriate.
Organised by category:
We’ve chosen five key categories – laptops and tablets, smartphones, games consoles, smart TVs and other gadgets. These cover the majority of devices that children may want to use and put all the information you need in one place.
Tells you what you need to know:
There’s a lot of information out there and it can be difficult to sift through, so for each category we’ve brought together the key e-safety considerations for parents when selecting a device.
All about e-safety:
Our primary concern is getting you up to speed with what’s available and helping you decide what’s a good purchase with your child in mind. We focus on giving you the right information to keep them safe online when they’re using different devices.
Although child-friendly apps can make the internet more accessible and enjoyable experience, the thousands of apps available for different types of people mean it's important to make sure children use appropriate ones. This guide maps some of the most common apps available and highlights those that might create risky situations for children, such as unintentionally revealing personal information, stranger danger and generating large bills through in-app purchasing.
At the start of the 2014-2015 school year, 59% of UK parents reported that they planned on getting a smartphone for their children. Smartphones have plenty of apps to entertain children, help them with their homework, and more. But just like anything else that’s connected to the internet, parents need to make sure that their kids are safe while using smartphones. Here are some tips on how they can do that.
Get Safe Online is the UK’s leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety. Providing practical advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobiles device and your business against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. It contains guidance on many other related subjects too – including performing backups and how to avoid theft or loss of your computer, smartphone or tablet.
The Education team at CEOP deliver the Thinkuknow education programme that aims to empower and protect children and young people from sexual abuse and exploitation.
Thinkuknow includes films, animations, websites, presentations and lesson plans to enable professionals to explore difficult and sensitive issues safely with children and young people. The animations/film resources are accompanied by toolkits and delivery guidance documents to help professionals explore their themes with children and young people.
St Gabriel's Primary School encourages pupils to follow the SMART rules, which are recommended by Childline International and Childnet.
We encourage all adults with a responsibility for the care of young people to support these rules. You can learn about the SMART rules by accessing the “Know It All” resource below where we have also included a copy of the SMART rules.
We can help
If you need further help on matters concerning your child’s safety online, or are concerned about your child’s use of information technology, then we are always willing to offer support.
We look forward to working with you to keep your child safe and responsible in their use of information technology.
Questions for parents and carers to consider
Does my child:
- Use the SMART rules?
- Know where to go for help if they need it?
- Know how to report bullying, threats or unwanted attention from adults and peers.
- Use safe privacy settings on social networking sites like Facebook?
- Keep personal information private?
- Know what counts as personal information?
- Know the difference between private and public space?
- Keep personal, intimate or embarrassing images and messages off the Internet?
- Allow other people to take personal information and images from them?
- Know that what they put out on the Internet can come back to embarrass or harm them later in adult life?
- Know that some adults use the Internet to pursue an inappropriate and predatory interest in children?
- Have a healthy balance of Internet or gaming time with sleep, exercise and face to face social interaction with friends?
Where to find useful information:
1. The “Know It All” interactive resource is available at:
Know IT All for Primary | Childnet
2. The KidSMART website is a useful resource for parents and young people:
3. Childnet International provide useful information and advice:
Childnet — Online safety for young people
For information about online safety from the National Crime Agency - https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Information provided by NSPCC aimed at keeping children safe when they are using the Internet, social networks, apps, games and more. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/
Also available is a document which provides some useful advice on how to keep your child safe with screen time. The document also includes information on how to set controls on various electronic devices.