Involving parents and children
At St Gabriel’s, we involve parents immediately from identification through to identifying priorities. It is important that an early discussion takes place allowing information to be gathered by the class teacher, SENDCO, parents and, when suitable, the child.
These early discussions are structured in such a way that they develop a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty, the parents’ concerns, the agreed outcomes sought for the child and the next steps decided.
Suitable provision and support will be planned. Your child will have individual targets that will be monitored closely by their class teacher and these will be shared with you and your child. These targets will be continually reflected on and changed/developed when needed. Alongside these targets will be strategies to follow and it is important that the strategies are followed both at home and school.
Parents will have regular opportunities to discuss their child's progress with their class teacher and/or SENDCO. The children and their parents will play a leading role in reviewing the support plan: from identifying progress made to deciding on the next steps.
St Gabriel’s school aims to work in partnership with parents. We have an open door policy and encourage you to make contact immediately if you have any worries or queries. In addition to our three parents evening, the class teacher and the SENDCO are available regularly to discuss your child’s progress and any concerns you have.
SEND Pupil Engagement
All pupils are afforded equal rights of access to all areas of the curriculum via teacher planning, differentiation, support and relevant resources where necessary. A variety of teaching styles and teaching groups are adopted to suit the needs of the individual.
Pupils with SEND are involved in all aspects of school life and are taught alongside their peers, exposing them to the same experiences but with the level of support they require. Interventions will be delivered as additional to quality first teaching.
We have a number of lunchtime and after school clubs which cover a range of interests which include: school council, choir, football and athletics. Pupils with SEND are welcomed and included in these groups.